Title: Unexplainable By: JJ Persis If I could have one wish in this world, I would turn you into yellow gold . Around my neck you would hang every day, upon my heart you would lay. I would touch you, see you, and feel you. I would love you, protect you, and heal you. You come and go though as you please; my heart to you is for lease. You only stay long enough to place a mark, when you leave I sit in the dark. I wasn’t planning on falling so hard, for someone who can never let down his guard. The most ecstatic things in this world are unexplainable , and for me your love is unattainable. If I could have one wish in this world, I would turn you into yellow gold . Around my neck you would hang every day, upon my heart you would lay. I would hold you, caress you, and memorize you. I would adorn you, honor you, and delight you. The wonders in this world have never been for keeps, they are there for all to take a peak. That last kiss you gave was just as sweet as ...